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Renowned Indie Author Swathi Nair is signing up with Booksthakam USA Publishers

Promising storyline to be a major motion picture -Booksthakam USA

At the age of eighteen, Kottayam Native Swathi Nair came up with her debut novel 'Argans: The Dream Knights,' the first book in its series of eight. The book grabbed the Harry Potter fan's attention in India in no time and achieved many devoted readers to the series Argans. Swathi had always craved to be an author and loves to take the readers into non-existent fantasy franchises.

Swathi Nair got featured in renowned news media across the country

Fiction affection - The New Indian Express

The Malayali Harry Potter: Swathi Nair's terrific dream fiction series...

-Manorama Online

Amazon Bestselling Author Swathi Nair

-Club FM

Amazon Prime bought the book 'Argans: The Dream Knights'

'Argans: The Dream Knights' is listed in prime reading, earning her the privilege of being the first author from Kerala to get this feature from amazon.

How Prime Reading works, Read for free?

With your active Prime membership on, you are entitled to use the Prime Reading benefit as detailed below. This is an offer provided by Amazon to Prime Members.

Prime Reading Benefits. As an active Prime Member, you are entitled to access or download eligible e-books made available under Prime Reading, subject to a limit of 10 books (which may be increased at Amazon's sole discretion) at any given point of time. Amazon has the sole right to determine the eligibility of the books included in Prime Reading. You will not be charged incremental fees for using the Prime Reading benefit from Amazon.

Prime Reading Membership. You cannot use Prime Reading without being an active Prime Member.

Windforth Villa

Amazon Introduced a new platform for readers but exclusively for U.S. readers, which is expected to extend to the rest of the amazon available countries. Kindle Vella publishing is currently available to publishers who reside in the U.S. to publish stories in English. It is a way of publishing serial stories to the readers. Author Swathi Nair was one of the first fifty authors who get to publish the story in Kindle Vella.


Emily Walker is an introverted 20-year-old youth who plans to quit her studies to do jobs of every possible kind to earn some money urgently, to help her aunt and her sick son. She gets a call from a stranger lady asking her if it is possible to babysit the lady's child and ensure her an attractive payment that she can't deny due to her present needs. Emily sets off to Windforth Villa for the same. What are the extraordinary incidents that await Emily at Windforth Villa? Was she purposefully chosen out of all the teenagers in town? Is Emily going to experience the most unusual days of her life? Read 'Windforth Villa' to unveil a gripping tale filled with suspense and horror.

Argans Audiobook

After six months of the Swathi's debut, readers will now get to listen and experience the magical realism of the series 'Argans'. Swathi Nair signed up with Booksthakam USA for a five-year contract for publishing the audiobook of 'Argans: The Dream Knights .'

We are excited to be a part of Swathi's authorship journey and the book will be available on audible platforms.

-Editorial team of Booksthakam USA

The narrator of 'Argans: The Dream Knights ':

Michael Wood

Podcast host of the Holy Bible 1 Year Challenge with over 250,000 downloads. Instructional Designer with Voice Over work for Farmer Boys, Taco Bell, and Pepsi Co. Army Veteran and high school literature teacher is ready to bring your next audiobook, article, or story come to life. Articulate and passionate.

Michael Wood's Creative Writing on YouTube has over 400,000 views. Self-hosted podcast show with over 250,000 downloads First place in Persuasive Speech competition, Orange County, California

Q&A with Swathi Nair:

When would be the next part of the series get released?

Waiting is a part and a prominent factor of every successful series. We all are familiar with the thrilling experience of releasing each Harry Potter book. You can expect all of my books from the series' Argans' by every December as a Christmas holiday gift to readers, which is meant to conclude the series in 2027 with the final eighth book. So yes, the second book will be releasing on this December.

With such a great response from the first book itself, will you go for any publisher to publish the rest of the books?

There was a time which I dreamed of my books getting published with Penguin or other renowned traditional publishing. However, Amazon KDP made me the person I'm today, and I will encourage aspiring writers to go with KDP as you will solely get to promote and edit your book at your pace and interest. Freedom is what every writer needs in their authorship, and if a publisher good enough to come up with such extended support to my authorship, I might sign up with them. With Amazon KDP, I get major royalty, but it's never about royalties or money but about acceptance and reaching the right readers.

Writers' Readers book club's choice award winner of 2020?

When I started off my authorship, I should say that I never thought of having a reader's support for my writing career. Writers' readers is a National based dedicated readers community destined to give writers the right privilege. Twenty-one admins lead by a Chair, Mr. Sam, are the pillars of the community. As of now, the community laid the foundation in eleven states and growing together with readers activities. These admins are the people who now help me to thrive in my writing, and I have also been initiated as their admin in Kerala. The community founders decided to have a choice award for each year, and they inaugurated it by choosing my book as the 2020 award holder. I'm in debt with the team Writers' Readers, and a special thanks to Satya, one of the brand ambassadors of the community, for contributing the extended support and love to my authorship on behalf of the community.

'Argans' Series to a movie?

Oh! I wish! I believe that it's just a matter of reaching the book in the right hands to get it produced into a movie. Waiting for the right call at the right moment.

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